Andaman, Cellular Jail

Andaman, Cellular Jail

Half a kilo of rice cooked a day before, kept in rusted tethering iron pot to putrefy before entering the body of those humans who protected their motherland… food was only given to them to exploit them to churn 50kg oil in a ghani which is supposed to be done by bulls. If they don’t do so, then further gruesome punishments – strip naked and be whipped against a metal stand until bleeding.

Iron pot where food was kept to rot before giving to the freedom fighters of this country

Punishments kept getting worse and worse until they were made to stand on a white platform in the main opening square for all prisoners to witness his final bathing ritual. Then walked towards the ‘gallows’, one turn of the knob, the platform drops below their feet, and neck on the noose… Bodies fall in a pit below and dragged and dumped in the sea.

Captive in their cells
For churning of oil
Whipped until bleeding
The central spot for final bathing before getting hanged

While the white men and ladies exploit the Indian soil with slavery, resources, forces… everything...

Death sentence for fighting for the country
Place of execution - 3 people at one time. Platform opens and bodies fall below to get dumped into the sea.
Design was such that platforms were removable during those days to prevent access from one wing to another
Star shaped jail - designed to make as economical as possible. By who? Our own very people!
Door locks designed in L shape - for passing down the rusted food bowl

Prison Cell number 201, stands apart from the grim grey energies, resplendent with vibrations distinctly apart. A space which still possesses power, positivity, sacredness and spirituality that can be perceived by anyone who is sensitive to auras. There lived for decades Veer Damodar Sawarkar.

Living in such an enclosure, without sun and soil can medically retard anyone physically and mentally. But this man sat decades long inscribing the anguish of freedom of his heart through poetry , literature and glories of the soil on to the walls of the prison. When he saw birds chirping and flying in freedom, his agony was - why did they not understand his language? For then, they could have sung songs of this land together in glory of their Mother.

Such fighters of their own freedom were termed as political ‘conspirators’.

This beautiful motherland has come back to her resplendent freedom after so many precious gems gladly offered their lives in her service. She is the centre – we are here to live or die, but she will stay.

This is Bharat, these are the people of Bharat.

When you see so much and hear how people are ready to die, you wonder, what is a country? Is it just a piece of boundary? Why die for a piece of land? And when you think and go a bit deeper, you receive an insight of what nurtures you, nourishes you, for you to grow? Who is a mother? And what is this land? And when you grow, you only want to give back so much that you received from that ‘piece of land’. It’s a spiritual connect, far beyond the boundaries of physical reality.

Swatantrya Jyot burning 365 days 24 hours in honour of their supreme sacrifice
This is your place for the next 40 years... what would be your mindset and physical state?
The peepal tree that stands as a silent witness, who has seen each freedom fighter walk in from the main entrance.