Healing Workshop - Antarposhan

Healing Workshop - Antarposhan

Through the elements we come, and in the elements we merge, and with the elements we heal.

Aim of this workshop: To have a threshold experience where you go back to life, with an enhanced version of yourself.

Learning Outcomes:
 Effective self-care and wellness practices through inner healing.
 Improved emotional and mental health management.
 Enhanced ability to navigate and process emotions.
 Tools and techniques for a healthier lifestyle.
 Renewed perspective and empowered mindset.
 Alignment of devotional life with worldly journey.
 Deeper connection to purpose and inner growth.

 The sessions will be theory and practical rooted in the science of NLP, access
consciousness, Panchakosh, and Chakra healing.
 Immersive experiences for deep engagement and growth.
 Interactive and experiential.

About the Instructor: Curating Inner and Outer Spaces
Conducted by Vilasini devi dasi aka Varsha Sharma M. Arch, The University of Arizona. Vilasini (Varsha Sharma) is an architect specialized in curating sacred spaces for temples. With a 17-year journey at the TOVP, and her intensive thesis research on sacred spaces at the University of Arizona, she has gained profound insight into how spaces affect the mindset of the users.
Her work extends beyond physical spaces into the inner landscape of the self, using an integrated approach of inside-out and outside-in. She is certified in various healing modalities including Access Consciousness, Pranic Healing, psychotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming and Inner Beauty Siddhi Yoga, and a yoga practitioner.

ISKCON Rajgad,
Sri Sri Radha Damodar Mandir,
At Post Manjai Asni, Kodawadi,
Tal: Velha,
Dist: Pune.

Saturday 25th May 2023
1:00pm to 2:30pm -Arrival Lunch and Check in the rooms at Vellah
2:30 to 3:45pm – Self time and relax and unwind
4:00pm to 4:55pm – Session 1 – My Body – Physical and Beyond
4:55pm to 5:05pm – Break
5:05pm to 7:00pm – Session 2 – Thought Biology, Self-Talk, Judgments
7:00pm to 7:30pm – Gaur Arti
7:30pm to 8:00pm – Light dinner (moong dal khichri with green leafy veggies)
8:00pm to 8:30pm – Night Walk
9:00pm – milk and take rest
Sunday 26th May 2023
4:30 am to 6:30am – Mangal Arti & Japa
6:30 am to 7:30 am – Session 3 A: Strengthening of Annamaya and Muladhar through
Asana Practice
7:30am to 8:00am – Session 3 B: Strengthening of Praanamaya, Manipur and
Swadishtan through Pranayam Practice
8:00am to 8:15 am – Session 3 C: Enhancing of Anandmaya, Ajna and Sahasra through
practice of dhyan (could continue into Japa session until 9am)
9:00 am to 10:00am – Breakfast Prasad
10:00 am to 11:15 am – Session 4: Interactions, Reflections, Conclusion
11:15am to 1:00 pm – Games
1:15pm to 2:15pm – Lunch Prasad
2:15pm to 3:15pm – Rest
2:15pm to 5:00pm – Swim
5:00pm – Departure for Pune