Himalayas - Rajrajeshwari Temple

No civilization, only nature, and roads curving around the mammoth diameters of the broad mountains. There was suddenly a small alley with steep steps going up.

As we climbed the top, there was a temple of Durga Devi. Ancient beyond calculations. Powerful beyond measures.
As we climbed further up, there were some inscriptions on the temple wall undeciphered until date. This place belonged to a king back in years. It was a fort with several temples including a space for execution.
As we went further up, we climbed up a metal ladder which nobody would ever guess it was supposed to be an access. As we climbed it, we entered a small stone shrine. Inside was a pujari who told us this is the shrine of Gupta Bhagavati Devi, known as Rajrajeshwari.
'Between the earth and sky there is only calculations today he said. If you don’t learn to feel and experience, that’s all you will leave when you leave the earth. Most Sharmas, Varmas and Brahamanas ishta devi is Raj Rajeshwari. When connections break, roots a re-established. What purpose you have come, She alone knows. Learn to feel, learn to experience'... Panditji expressed
Stepping into the altar was not allowed, as she is gupta. Gupta means beyond rahasya. Inconceivable to human mind. As we talked about legacies and education, I felt I could stay there and hear him for hours together.

On our way out as he enquired that I am a temple architect, Pandijti said he’s looking to restore this. My heart knew no bounds at the thought of coming again and serving here – the dream of my life to restore the ancient temples to their original glory. As I was the last one to leave, he ushered me to go in the forbidden space to receive darshan of the plethora of deities some heard others unheard.
Shielding the wet eyes with my sunglasses, I walked down in a daze, and Panditji told me, we will be in touch.